Monday, January 19, 2009

The call most parents dread

Now before anyone worries everyone is okay and the kids are fine all limbs in tack. I had just gotten home from work when I got a call from Kaleb’s school. The school called to inform us that school has been canceled. Now a little background is needed here. It has been cold I think it got down to 15 or so the other night and they have been saying it might snow, well not really probably just rain turning to ice. But the weatherman did say snow so it has caused a panic. The hospital is worried that no one will be able to deliver anything so they want to make sure we have food and supplies for a few days. The stores are out of food cause everyone has ran to the store to purchase bread and milk so they don’t have to go out for a few days. Everyone is crazy!! Now the reason the school called did I say it might snow. It is currently a balmy 45 degrees pretty nice but the weatherman said it might snow so for the safety of the kids and teachers they have canceled the WHOLE day of school. So the kids will get another day off, I am sure they will put on a long sleeve shirt and head outside and play with friends.


Annie Bonner said...

That's nutty! But hey, it's Martin Luthor King Day. Do they do this every year, maybe? (Maybe it's a little nudge that today is pretty special to the rest of the country...) Just wondering. :)

Anonymous said...

WHAT that is the craziest thing I have ever heard. Well it might be freezing tonight so we should cancel work tomorrow!! I lvoe it very jealous. sounds like you guys will have a fun day on the tramp!!!! Love you all and miss you tons

Tiff and Trev said...

That's funny!! Wish we would have gotten a day off of school every time the weatherman said their might be snow!!!

Our Deli-Sub said...

I think Annie is on to something. Maybe it the P.C. way to celebrate civial rights in the south.